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Erasmus+ Project Online Activity
2021-03-28 11:36  

Erasmus+ Project Online Activity

March 25, 2021, Erasmus+ (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University students) University Cooperation Framework for Knowledge Transfer in China(UNICAC)online activity was held. Northwestern Polytechnical University, Northwest A&F University and Xinjiang University participated in the seminar.

We discussed how can we further strengthen cooperation and solve the problems that have been raised. We tried to explain how the consortium is going to address the recommendations provided by the external evaluator in the second part of project’s implementation. We Analyzed project status, responded to emails, and made future work plans. Relevant materials had also been sorted out and submitted.

With " Online communication" as the theme, this online activity discussed the current academic exchange progress of research-oriented research institutions in China,  the role and responsibilities of research-oriented universities in the contemporary world, the future work prospects of Chinese universities in the project, and our communication of UNICAC project documents. The seminar was presided over by Professor TAO Qing of Xinjiang University.  

Firstly, professor TAO introduced the related contents and specific tasks of UNICAC project, and explained in detail the general situation of the project for participating teachers and student representatives. Secondly, Professor Wang Shuxia of Northwestern Polytechnical University reported the overall progress of project research and academic research, showing the important influence of Chinese universities in the field of scientific research and academic exchange in the contemporary world. Thirdly, Professor Tao, Professor Wang and Professor Yan successively shared the effective practices and advanced experience of their own universities in scientific research and academic exchanges and student training at this stage. Finally, Professor Yan, on the basis of the completion of the project, made his own suggestions on the next step of the work of the three universities in China, and sincerely invited teachers and students to participate actively in the follow-up research content. During the seminar, the participants discussed and exchanged the experience and practice of each school in teaching development and student training.

The Erasmus + project will enhance the communication between our university and the universities in the European Union and Central Asia, effectively promote the construction of "double first-class" in our university, and enhance the international level of education.

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