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Erasmus+ online seminar on "Boosting Research Capacities through International Cooperation"
2022-02-21 12:40  

Erasmus+ online seminar on "Boosting Research Capacities through International Cooperation"

Presented by INCOMA, Spain, UniTO, Italy, Xinjiang University (XJU), Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), and Northwest A&F University (NWAFU) participated in the online conference on exploring potential international cooperation opportunities in education/learning/research from February 16 to February 18, 2022 at 4:30 PM Beijing time.

The main objectives of this conference are

1. providing a co-creation workshop for academics, local business partners.

2. sharing and developing concrete tools for internationalization of research and innovation

activities .

3. creating next steps for internationalization on organizational and personal level.

Object orientation of meetings

- Researchers and teachers from the host university .

- Researchers and teachers from the local partner universities.

- Students.

- IR staff / international coordinators.

- Local and international partners (Business, Municipalities, NGOs etc.).

DAY 116th February2022

TOPIC OF THE DAYDeveloping your career by networking.

Networkingwhy and how. How to help researchers develop,maintain and strengthen your professional network.

The conference is divided into three stages,

PART 1,how the international specific RDI activities and services have been organised in the host 3 universities (XJU,NPU, NWAFU).

PART 2,how the international specific RDI activities and services have been organised in UNITO.

Part 3, Q&A, practical advices, identification of a roadmap including main challenges and goals regarding the specific topic of the day.



DAY 217th February2022

TOPIC OF THE DAY, R&D, how each HEI develops theseissues and its relations with the business and local institutions, start-ups and business incubators.

The conference is divided into three stages,

PART 1, how the international specific RDI activities and services have been organised in the host 3 universities (XJU,NPU, NWAFU).

PART 2, how the international specific RDI activities and services have been organised in UNITO.

Part 3, Q&A, practical advices, identification of a roadmap including main challenges and goals regarding the specific topic of the day.



DAY 318th February2022

TOPIC OF THE DAY, Gender discrimination in academia and policies to deal with them, short theoretical introduction and focus how and why addressing these issues can improve /influence the RDI of a HEI.

PART 1a, theoretical framework and overview.

PART 1b, how the international specific RDI activities and services have been organised in UNITO.

PART 2, how the international specific RDI activities and services have been organised in the host 3 universities (XJU,NPU, NWAFU) .

Part 3, Q&A, practical advices, identification of a roadmap including main challenges and goals regarding the specific topic of the day.



The online exchange meeting lasted for three days and achieved a complete success with the active participation of participants in the exchange and discussion.

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